The CESME project aims to develop a methodology and architecture to support the creation of intelligent systems that are reconfigurable, adaptable and easily scalable, based on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), which when applied to various environments will allow them to be prospected and valued in a more efficient way.

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Plug & Produce Demonstration

Demonstration 1 - Industry 4.0 - Plug and Produce

The Project

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Vision and Objectives

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CPS Design Engineering

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of Things

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and Simulation

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Prototype Development

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Work Plan

w1: Conceptual Based & Requirements Engineering

January 2018 - December 2020

w2: Design Engineering Methodology

January 2018 - December 2020

w3: Modelling & Simulation Framework

January 2018 - December 2020

w4: Prototype Development & Assessment

January 2018 - December 2020

w5: Dissemination & Management

January 2018 - December 2020


Dissemination Material:


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José Barata

Dr. José Barata is a professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the NOVA University of Lisbon and a senior researcher of the UNINOVA Institute. He coordinates the Group of Robotics and Industrial Complex Systems (RICS) that is composed of 4 PhDs and 12 PhD Students.
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André Rocha

Dr. André Rocha is a researcher at the UNINOVA institute. He has a PhD degree in Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing since 2018 from the New University of Lisbon. He received his MSc in 2013, in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from the New University of Lisbon.
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Sanaz Nikghadam

Dr. Sanaz Nikghadam Hojjati is a researcher at UNINOVA institute. In 2017 received a PhD in Information Technology Management from I.A.U, Tehran Science and research Branch. She is doing her Post-Doc in Computational Creativity and Open Innovation in Nova University of Lisbon.
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Ricardo Peres

Ricardo Peres holds a Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Nova University of Lisbon since 2015, being currently working on his PhD focusing on artificial intelligence and data analysis for Predictive Manufacturing Systems.
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Duarte Alemão

Duarte Alemão is currently a PhD student at the New University of Lisbon and is a researcher at the UNINOVA institute. He received a MSc (2017) in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from the New University of Lisbon in Genetic Algorithms applied to tasks allocation.
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Sara Araújo

Sara Araújo is a researcher at UNINOVA-CTS. She holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from ISEL and a MSc in Food Technology from the Nova University of Lisbon.
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João Tripa

João Tripa is Master student at the New University of Lisbon in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering



Faculdade De Ciências E Tecnologia
2829-517, Caparica, Portugal

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